You don`t need to be a specialist to observe that Tartaria, Maya and ancient Chinese is the same way or writing, Linear A, our genetic sign alphabet. Take the first cuadrant of Tartaria tablet, the Maya Hieroglyph Cu and the Chinese Fishing Ax:

We have three similar signs: eye, mouth and sinus (ear-nose-brain), and this a head of a newborn baby. A stupid remark: Ainu People use to make a dotted tattoo around their mouth.
For the second cuadrant we relay on Tartaria tablet (1), Maya hieroglyph K (2) and old Chinese oracle bone signs (3):

The x inside the arch means protection, which in Old Chinese is the sign for a basket, ka, ga. The meaning of the whole cuadrant is "Protect me God from evil" , so the next two drawing-concepts refer to a further protection from I o (ewal, diwale in Hindi, coming next in Romanian, future). The corespondent in old Chinese, the double t, means go forward the king/. Very nice and interesting how the Maya expressed the moving forward, with a sense surrounded by dots, as a miriapod maybe.
As a Romanian born person, the third cuadrant is the easiest to read for me: „ Ferește de de-ochi Doamne!” which means ”God don”t let the evil eye catch me!”

Talking to God is an act of high self-resolution and graciousness.
The first sign is „cuttings” (fierăstrău, ferește, ferestre), the second is ”one eyed” (D D ochi, tăietură) and the third is „Io”, Jo (God). So looks like Cotton Eyed Jo, and this is the old American Slaves song... Hmm... Drunk, smart, with a missing blue eye, kind of deceiver, first brings help/gifts and then catches you, black cross disguised in red x hood? Pirat?
Finally, the Majestic Signature on the fourth cuadrant. This is an explicit name:

De Ghe Ball us per scorillo, which is so similar to old cave signs:

Any resemblance to this Ch`ing dynasty ying=yang symbol???

I used a N pattern to read this 4 folded inscription, 3 concepts x 4= 12 month of the year.
Tartaria tablets are proof of a vast eastern social hierarchy based on knowledge acquired in special schools: Ur= OUR=NOSTRUM= AiNu, Ai Nostri, Che Nous (CHIEN), CHICEN-ITZA , UCENITZA.
One such Tablet was the passport for Decebalus to be accepted as a king by the king in office in Dacia. It worked as a high recommendation talking about his military abilities high ranked on the Scale.
This tablet system, kind of diplomas, created an old Romanian expression: Esti Clay! meaning You have the clay tablet, you are set up, you are zero, you know nothing about nothing, anyway keep thinking you are the B-EST and the BRAV-EST!