29. The Woman in the Sky (short story from the volume Tumba-Yanna)
or --Why don`t you put me in the Bible? I`ve got a pretty name...
The first time a lemon felt. He was quiet in bed, reading when boom! a lemon in the book. He remained shocked for a while and after that he closed the window, and did not read for a while. He went to work, as always, doing well at home too, all in all he was like a model. He loved the neighbors nicely, the books attracted him, but he was afraid to read anymore. Until a rainy Sunday in which the soul started sailing like crazy, and he could not stop it. He wanted to read, as if bitten by the Mosquito. He closed all the windows, took precautions, and slowly sat down in bed. The first lines were normal, that was a book about sailors, couldn`t a whale fall down in his head, could it? He relaxed, made a tea, lit a cigarette ... He was almost asleep when the white object like a plastic chair with a kind of funnel attached hit his head . Thanks God he was acquainted to scifi prose, otherwise he'd have a heart attack. He didn't overreact, put the chair in the corner of the room, and even put a shirt and a tie on top to make it look familiar. Or part of a known universe. In fact, he could have bought it from any cheap store. Though, watching it more closely, he realized it had a great, Florentine style. No doubt, the chair was now part of his life, he ate the lemon with some sugar, and kept his eyes big round amazed balls rolling all around him. He was still joyful, still kind, but more cautious, if something. More tidy. There was something changed in him. When he started reading the third time he did it with a ritual: it was Saturday night, he had tidy the room, lit a few scented sticks, and placed a new woman negligee with intriguing patterns to rest on the chair. He bought it to prove he was not an idiot and ignorant of literary stuff. He had peach nectar on his nightstand and a crystal ashtray. He began to read rather stiffly, as if to say so. He was not surprised when the cabinet with long legs full of bowls painted red and white felt down at a regular hitting speed beside him. maybe the red and white bowls were dolls or other games, unknown in our own country. Thanks God it didn't broke and didn`t ruined anything, too. He pushed it close to the wall and put the TV on it to humanize it. The room was more complete now, nothing to say. He, more comfortable with the falling objects. He had the courage to open the cabinet drawer and found only little nonsenses: papiotes, gambling cards, balls, a new pair of coats, pens. He did not want to ruin the inner order so he did not touch them. He became more quiet. All the books were eye-catching, but due to lyrical immaturity reasons he did not read them. In fact, he wanted to understand what was going on. A lemon is just a lemon, a kid could have throne it by the window way. But that's all. As for the rest only a coward wouldn`t have understood that something was not right. No-no, not him. Through psychic processes impossible to explain and without changing anything in his regular life, he began to reason. He realized he was waiting for a day when, after all the heavenly room of the delightful sky lady had been emptied, he might have the happiness to see herself descending in person. And the real truth is he has no patience. He had to find something, technologically speaking, something to restore his shattered logic otherwise he might have a dropping refrigerator in his head next time. He did not want to be exposed to such dangers. So, after a very spirited thought (spiritual conference), he went to bed Monday night after turning off all the lights, but he did not fall asleep. With his eyes closed, he stretched his hand and began rummaging carefully through the Infinity, as though he were playing face-hidden. And when he eventually felt the playful struggling little foot he pulled with all his power as you pull the alarm on a train at full speed ... Since then he has been sleeping with her, walking with her and changed his look at the milling machine.
She persists you
She persists you with a spring broom cleaning your
room out. Not a word about being enchanted. Her wind
blows on the floor chart amazing your flowers
in a rain of colours. I'm not that kind of owner
to let her loose herself in dusting little objects
with her plume. Besides, I have a chaplin
who makes me laugh at Noon so I don't need her
to be happy in my gloom. As she preens
everything around I let my Peacock bluish gland
to produce the Halloween and hound her shadow
on the ground. Can this be sound? At least on longer
violins which look like endless mandolins from
my guitar. So far I'm not the only fool who floats
on clouds of silky wool to make the Season dark
and cool against her Sunshine. As a rule I won't be
done again a plate with graphical models, where
filthy insects tend to fell, and my Tourelle is
my Tourelle with all its twisted climbing Hell
around her absence I'm so well!
Hot my dog
Im just a street flowing below your lovely feet sometime ago, dont deny it.
I let you go, Im not your witt, just a way to get lost before the frost of it. ALL.
Why in the world the city howls, nothing beneth just paper rolls infinity.
Dont sky with me, Im building born match thorn by thorn with rose and bee,
except the fee.
-- Excerpt Judy! I feel imposing the Dead Red Sea already nosing fishery
four pour people just like me. Barrier Thy!
-- My lucid vol is Anatoll and Im chori, iradiating you with me?
Beware of darling Clementine and of Verlaine and other lane
like Drury.
-- Thank-Yuri! What a pleasant! Destroy croissant in front of me,
and battle free. Kiss all your nice artillery.
Just Renaissance-i.
Gone Poetry
Plush everybody else in the process, make Ainu progress
with you. Something is wrong but is so wonderfully wrong
like shattering a glass of champagne on the Gong.
Dont report me as the whole guilty thing, I really didnt do
anything else, like converse of heart shapes or reverse.
I think that mister Aghiuță will follow care Ardent Nerva.
He”s still alive, yes, frail and pale, benependent independ
sale. Refuze but her, refuze like măr in my language so natale.
Why God is a transparent rose I dont even now. Hi and llo
extends his primaveral list below like a poor artist come and go.
Fruit in the snow, such still nature can controll from Paradise.
Into benign Consideration give chance to him exist as
other friendly conversation gone in the mist.
Morbid sky
Morbid sky between us , fly! Take your spring and make it cry!
I agree, says Spectrum Valentine. She-s right on this, I print
a violet: I sign. hang on verses like a flight, sweet filaments
of flying hay, kiss your stars and say good-bye.
-- Someone pressing us against? half a friend and half a guest,
I nobody love like this, send my kiss. Pesimist me with your
car, on a street or in a bar, I persist!
-- Dont insist so far and far! Filamento in a scar, this momento
is your carpet like a flying everything, no exception from this
thing, is so-so voluminous. Need to ring, prepare for wedding.
-- Go against another bring a nice woman, not me, porcupine
discovery dont face me as new dating. Im BE. Im BE în good despair,
use another for your flair to black your eternity. You”re like
Disney in a line faking our destiny, It”s not free!
-- Go half in hell and half in BE, Im just thinking , every me, about
anormality. And you lie like other me, all your lies are
deja-vu in a glass of Anthony.
-- Who did call him for a brake? It”s a not or it”s a sake?
Santo Feeling is awake?
-- Dont imagine all the cake. Every moment like a snake eating me or
eating you its the same for little he. We create a rose-to-be,
I put silk, you put the rest, dont smell fishy on my breast.
-- Keep yourself! I nud the rest like an Aves in your nest and, surprize,
I also have a chest!
-- This is pushing from the sky, I was shy my happiness. Can we
do again the test? Walk against my own blindness with me,
you”re my only star, you see...
Nobel Prize for music
Est? No, I”m sorry, Beethoven. Keep going. There”s no such
a guilty thing. You can ask me anything though, I”m the King.
Start a new career, darling, pull the music out of string, froze it
in a skating ring and be gone by slippering.
Language is a prophecy. If you speak already tell me who am I
and who is She?!?
-- Oh, it”s simple like BonGiorno! I am hers and she is mine. Craft
for me a Valentine. All included plus a solo, keep my format
clean in line. Can”t stop me from huge melancholy with another
Dorothy, she-s just a running fantasy, that”s all.
-- Out of my site! Archeological sin, forget my treshhold and begin
moving in gold, like a piggy submarine! Sold!
--Instead of what? instead of you? Give me at least your front
door clue, I am not Liszt, I am voo2. (îți dau vreo doo de nu te vezi)
Perhaps persist too much with you, Perhaps I”m just a kangaroo
I like you”re purse and you mine too.
-- Get Waterloo! She cries four of you, she”s not a rabbit, just like you
awake from her to other you!!!
-- Not possible be true. I am the Ode, or Odeon keeps haunting me,
my balcony and all my palace in Lyon? Get out again, you”re faking me.
Instead of such heghemony I am aware now, Pharaon! This treason
is the last for thee!
--Except your tone. Was everything for me. Like Marry Christmas
in a tree. Like monk-to-be. Like broke internal revery.
-- Like strawberry??
I was writing to Draco !
I was writing in parallel, because nobody knew me the same way I did.. When he got up, he put a cloud in my in subconscious : to have when she weeps as she breaks the dawn. Corinthian elsewhere, simple, with a fake lightning. I agree to suffer but I also want to know why. You are so close to reality that you fell into it unprepared, did not tell you, dont try to rat me, yo all! Deliberately dirty, I really-really want to be miss-under-stood, like a stool, under a table under the wood. Red xxx Hood., have you ever been underinformated before? I would. Put the rabbit under the job, a-gain. I ask for forgiveness for everything that happened to me. As far as it lights up, how it chokes, that's it, just a worldly-speaking bounty. Do you really marry Florinda? Mirror phone, uncomfortable. I left the light but we stay with the current in the atmosphere, we, somexxx invisible yet growing. Crazy to something beechy. A car to generate what you are! Do you eat, anything? IMBroll. Me too. do beech again and roll yourset up again and under chain plunder clapp. Mom, what lessons they gave ... Not that they were scratching the other way round they were scratching at someone else with my psychic xxx claw. You looked instantly and you will always be oblivious Deficit in my bum, do you?
Troop Selection
-- You look flameless, blameless, take my plane! And go, by heart”s sake, go in vain!
Go by Joe in all the Spain, make a rush for all the stain! I can”t pilot you so bad, I”m
just a lad, blonde or not or Huguenot I don”t give a lot! I”m Castle float on the water,
Mon Ami. I”m a floating bride-to-Be continued in Eternity. Just like me!
-- I can”t like, I can”t be free such a liking you and me. I”m in trooper agony. Plus
historically cry man-of-hay go company! And yes, she might like some Campari.
Full her and you”ll surely see. Great selection, destiny!
-- I am all the ways in one, generally speak no charm, like a velvet in a tree fake the spring
eternally. With no jewels I can”t see. Take me back in Roumanie like a train full of lucky.
-- Are you crazy now with me? Put me down, I”m Pogany! Miss u too, like bumblebee.
And many others things-to-see. Watch the lowest frequency. Electrocuting with me .
-- Is this possible in thee? Are you style of poetry? Like a battle in a glass in agony?
Astonished me. Open tap or expose he. Can”t be trying hopelessly.